
Griftlands alpha
Griftlands alpha

griftlands alpha griftlands alpha

The player has 4 resources at their disposal: Health, Resolve, Shills, and Action Points. Each conflict uses their own deck and have unique mechanics, but there are some shared key words between both deck types. Gameplay Mechanics Gameplay revolves around 2 types of conflict: Negotiations and Battles.

griftlands alpha

While some key words are shared, each hero has their own unique mechanics that can be used. These decks can be upgraded with various cards throughout a run, giving access to new mechanics and strategies as the game progresses. Decks Players are given two Card-Decks at the start of the game, Negotiation and Battle. Mutators can be randomized or toggled manually. While most are meant to add additional challenge, some are beneficial. It is not recommended to apply any mutators your first time playing a character. As of Alpha Build 406931 there are 17 mutators total. Mutators Mutators are optional modifiers a player can select to apply to their run to make it more (or less) challenging. Prestige levels are mainly only for adding challenge to your run as the xp bonus is negligible. Each prestige level is accumulative and gives you an additional 5% xp per level. Prestige Prestige levels are unlocked as you beat the game and add various modifiers to your run. Your outfit can be changed at any time by visiting your room. They are cosmetic and do not affect gameplay. Outfits Outfits are unlocked as you play and alter the appearance of your hero. Each set can be enabled or disabled before you start your run, but once your run has begun you cannot modify card sets without completing your current run or starting over. Your modifiable options include:Ĭard Sets Card Sets are unlocked as you play the game and provide 6 new cards (3 Negotiation and 3 Battle cards) that are added to the card pool of merchants, quests, and events. At the beginning of a game, the player chooses between one of three characters: Sal, Rook, or Smith and is allowed to select various modifiers for their run. This is random and is pulled from your current list of relationships, items, and cards. Otherwise, you are forced to restart, but you are allowed to carry over 1 benefit from your current run. As of Alpha build 406984, player death is permanent if you don't survive until at least day 2 and you can restart at the beginning of the current day once per run. Player death is much more severe than your typical story/adventure game. Cards can be purchased from merchants, rewarded through quests, or gained through random events while moving across the map between points of interest. The game revolves around gaining and using deck cards to initiate commands. Introduction Griftlands is a story driven deck building rogue-like.

Griftlands alpha